Category: pregnancy

Common Causes Of Female Infertility And How To Better Your Odds Against Them

If you have been trying to get pregnant but have been unsuccessful, you are not alone. Although comforting to know, the challenge comes in finding your reason for infertility, and there happens to be many possibilities. Once you become acquainted with the causes, you can learn how to better your odds against them.

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What Can An Ultrasound Tell You?

Friends and relatives of a pregnant mom are treated to pictures and videos of the growing fetus these days through social media platforms like Facebook, so it’s no surprise that ultrasounds are done earlier and earlier. An ultrasound can tell you many secrets like the gender of the baby unlike decades ago when it would be a surprise.

In addition to the baby’s gender, an ultrasound can inform both the parents-to-be and the physician about the health of the fetus.

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