What Breastfeeding Moms Should Know About Mastitis
Moms of newborns have a ton on their plate. The last thing she needs is an infection, especially in her breasts. That’s why we are focusing on what breastfeeding moms should know about mastitis.
Moms of newborns have a ton on their plate. The last thing she needs is an infection, especially in her breasts. That’s why we are focusing on what breastfeeding moms should know about mastitis.
We might call it an old wives tale, but scientists used to think a woman’s immune system became weaker when she was pregnant. We have learned that is not exactly the case. Sometimes, it can actually get stronger. With this relatively new news let’s review how we now know pregnancy affects the immune system.
Even if you have never exercised regularly before getting pregnant, it is safe to do so now as long as you follow the guidelines set by All About Women OB/GYN. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) recommends 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days.
After dreaming about it, planning for it, and deciding on a time frame, you are finally going to begin a family. There is one more goal that is essential. Getting your body ready for pregnancy should be at the top of your list.
Most miscarriages occur in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. They are painful, sad occurrences for many women, but the mother has no culpability. In some instances, they can occur without any signs, while others may experience symptoms . Let’s learn more about the signs of a miscarriage and when to call your doctor.
Many people picture a ravenous pregnant lady eating everything in sight. While this is the case for some, there are other women who find it hard to eat anything. This can become a problem, as they won’t gain the weight needed for a healthy pregnancy.
Health professionals all agree that breastfeeding is the healthiest choice for babies and moms. It seems to come so naturally to many new mothers, so why do others find it so difficult? Don’t beat yourself up if you are experiencing trouble.
Morning sickness, back aches, and fatigue should be enough to deal with during pregnancy, but if you add in allergy symptoms, oh please! If you’re not sure what medications are safe for you and your growing baby, here’s what you need to know.
If you must have surgery, would you prefer one with more damage to your body or less? How about a surgery with more pain or less, a longer hospital stay or a shorter one, and a surgery with the possibility of multiple complications or one which delivers fewer complications?
If you are sexually active, you should get STD tests. It is an essential part of your overall health. How often you should be tested is dependent on your current and past sexual situation. Let’s find out what experts say about who should get STD tests and how often.